iSolutions - Intelligent Media Solutions
Radio TV Software|Playout Automation|Media Asset Management|Traffic Scheduling|Playlist|Workflow Management
IB Server

IB Server is an administrative tool that maintains the integrity of broadcast stations’ networks and databases by continuously checking the quality of the information. From Peer to Peer through Client Server, the server joins the different computer stations together to optimize communication between them. While facilitating effective real-time communication between computers and channels, IB Server manages and logs activity information and keeps all clients up-to-date 24/7.
IB Server takes an essential role in the system redundancy, it can make a complete back up to a mirror server. Users may switch to the mirror server with just one click – and continue with normal broadcasting, while the main server is being repaired. It can also create a “silence backup” using push method to the playout computer – this will prevent any gaps in playout even during a server or network crash and will allow you to play without any servers for some time.
IB Server also offers added features such as instant messaging and other alert and massaging options, log filtering and printing, and more.

> IBServer